
Vase Package Vase Package Vase Package Vase Package Vase Package Vase Package
Experience Sticky

Vase Package

This package offers an intimate experience with you and a possible + 3 (if you care to share with your friends, lovers and/ or family). Collaborate on a custom Sticky Vase then come watch the glassblowing process LIVE as we share the magical properties of this goopy molten material while demonstrating how each glass is made. 

Package breakdown 

  1. Order the Vase Package on our site. 
  2. You will receive an email from to pick your custom colors and design. 
  3. We will agree on a date for you to meet us at a local glassblowing studio in Brooklyn, NY for an hour long hot glass demonstration and tutorial by our Founder, Grace Whiteside and our team.  
  4. We will ship your vase to you for FREE once it is complete and no longer 1000 degrees and too hot to handle. 
  5. You'll receive a 25% off discount on you next Sticky Order

Contact for questions or more info! 
